Saturday, March 7, 2009

People- the blog everyone have started commenting on is the one we did in class about the movie. this is the one everyone needs to comment on. sorry about the confusion. (very sheepish expression)

"We didn't know. The most important thing, Abba said, is not to stick out. Don't let them see you."
I think that this- this philosophy of life, built on silence, is going to be prevalent throughout the book. Prevalent throughout the book being code for "major-problem-that-will-nearly-make-the-book-end-in-tradgedy". I think that the dramatic climax of the book will be centered around how they sort of break out of the silence rut. Rather then trying to blend in with the crowd, they will finally let themselves be seen for who, and what they are. How will that play out? Or, do people think I am totally off the mark?


  1. Nice Job Katy!

    I liked how you said that it was a philosophy that people live on in America. You made very excellent points.


  2. Ahh classic Katy, always using big words. I agree with Jena, on you point about philosophy. I really liked all the points you made about a "major-problem-that-will-nearly-make-the-book-end-in-tradgedy"
    Great B(log)

  3. great job katy,

    I thought you made a rather large, but good prediction it definitly does seem like it could be very prevelent.

  4. Good,

    I was wondering If next time you could put your blog up for friday because sometimes it's easier that way. Thanks! But anyways this is really good like Jena said you made some really good points relating to philosophy. I think this section of the book will be revelant in the future of the book.


  5. That's a good catch Katy. I have to agree with you, I think that it will come up later, but I don't know if it will be that Amanda said, what you said is rather quite large, but it does seem like it will be prevalent. Nice points about the philosophy.

  6. Katy and Everyone else,

    I totally agree with you! I think that it might end in a tragedy as well. It might not. We don't know. Greatjob and awesome points. Great job using your own opinion on this! You can tell Katy wrote it!

    Great Job!

  7. Nice work Katy. I like that you mentioned silence is/will play a major role in the book. I think I agree with you because they seem like quite, conservative kids so far because of events in their lives and their parents’ influence. I like your idea, that at the end of the book they’ll break the silence and find themselves. I hope they do find themselves. However, it will be interesting if they break the silence to see what events will follow, like trouble with the law, or major trouble in general…


  8. Great way of putting it Falcon! I hope they break the silence, I want to see what happens!

  9. Yeah, it is always kind of funny in literature when people make the big dramatic gesture and they end up getting arrested or something. I hope that doesn't happen though, as amusing as it would be.

  10. Commenting in response to Hellman’s second comment. (Thanks!) I too, am eager to see what happens when they break the silence. I think there are two major possible categories of events that could happen: good or bad. I am leaning towards when they break the silence that will put them in a lot of trouble with the law, because it's like saying, "Hey look at me, and I’m an illegal immigrant. I’d like my father who’s currently in deportation back home." (That may be a little exaggerated…) On the other hand they might break the silence in a way that benefits them. What do you guys think: Will breaking the silence lead to more trouble or lead to a better life for their family?

  11. I agree with you Katy, it is always finny in literature when people make the big dramatic gesture and they end up getting arrested or something. It seems like that could happen in the book, but it might not. You never with AAHM, we didn't think anything could get any worse, but it did. D:

  12. ??? who's the person above me? Anyway, I agree. things could get worse than they are... which is a depressing thought. I really wish they would speak out, but with their attitudes, maybe not.

  13. Yeah, you guys phrased it in a really good way! I hope that they really do break the silence. Celeste-nice connection back to AAHM! Like you said Falcon, I too am also kinda leaning towards them breaking the rule that puts them into a bad situation. Hopefully they won't do something that they will regret seems that Nadira really thinks about everything her family has told her in the past, and a lot of the chapters seem to be about it....I'm curious to see what happens!

  14. Oh..that's Celeste. What do ya mean by "I wish they would speak out" Neeli??

  15. great observations katy
    i think that i'm starting to see a very predictable pattern in books, there are a few 'main characters' they have problems, the problem that they have creates more problems for them, they fix the problem. book over
    it's getting a bit annoying really
    oh well!
    i also agree with what Zucky said about 'big words' way to squeeze in 'philosophy!

  16. Haha Ari-nice way of putting it. I totally agree with you....I wonder how they will fix the problem now!

  17. i agree with you ari there defintily is a pattern and it's getting kind of annoying.

  18. Hello Again,

    I do think and hope that they do break the silence and start opening up more, that was a magnificent point Katy. I think you made a broad prediction that is very well rounded I do think that everyone agrees with your opinions. I also hope like Katy said will be seen for whom they really are!


  19. Hello All,

    I also agree with Ari. I'm also sensing a slight pattern with everything going on in the book and previous books I've read. But maybe they're be a change maybe, some things are predictable, but you never know how things can turn out!


  20. I agree with Ari as well, I hate that pattern, it gets really annoying. Even in some books that I love. Good observation DaVaughn! That was kind of what I was trying to say back up there ^ when I made the connection to AAHM. Great Comments/Observations/Ideas/Connections/Patterns/Agreeing Skills

  21. Yeah I must say that I have things that I agree with ya'll on but I do have some disagrements... for starters I really liked your prediction about the sad ending Celest. It would really fit in with the story. I think it's starting out a little more slowly then AAHM did but I think that something HUGE is about to happen. I also agree with Falcon on the silence issue. I really want them to come out into the open but then I am also worried about what will happen. Celest great good with brining back the AAHM!!!! I miss that book...:( The one thing that I agree on most though is Ari's comement about the prediction patteren. There seems to be a point in each of these book where we have been able to predict what will happen next. I then agree and disagree with Amanda's comment on how annoying it is. Sometimes It is really annoying when you already know what's gonna happen because then your like 'what the point of reaing this when I know what's going to happen?' but other times it's nice. Espesialy when your kind of worried about what might happen.

  22. Alrighty, before I could start commenting I had to go to and search "prevalent". Ha.
    Anywhoo, I like this connection that many are making about the pattern.
    On the last comment that Celeste posted, "I hate that pattern, it gets really annoying." Also a connection to Ari's post....
    I think all books are suppose to have a problem of some sort...?
    I mean, how many books do you actually see that don't have a major problem...? I'll have to say...not that many. I'll have to disagree on that one guys. Its not getting annoying for me, I'm actually more interested on the response that the characters give to the problem, the solutions! I'm waiting for the outcome even though it might not be a good one. Great blog post, Katy! 8D

  23. Kayla you really opened up a new prespective. I also had to go to for the definition of "prevalent", for those of you who don't know what it means and have been ignoring it, here is the definition:
    1. widespread; of wide extent or occurrence; in general use or acceptance.
    2. having the superiority or ascendancy.
    3. Archaic. effectual or efficacious.

    Kayla, you put in some really good ideas and you changed my prespective/opinion a little. I'm not half way between both of them. :D
    Great Job!

  24. Good job Katy!
    And i love everyones ideas and points. I totally agree with mostly everything.
    nice use of big words Katy.
    I think they are just trying to keep low and just wait till this all blows over.
